Rosemary, is my friend, my confidant, and a person I turn to when I have any pain, physical, mental or emotional. I discovered Rosemary's website when using a Google search for powerful Healers. I have never been disappointed by the quality of this Holistic, Energetic Healing system. I find NSR to be a complete healing form, as it offers to the client a chance to understand the issue, why it occured, when and what the lesson is.
I have told anyone who is looking for serious help, and has given up on our Western Medical model to get in touch with Rosemary. Because I believe her system is that good.
I also go on about Braco, but I promise that we will discuss Healers and Healing systems later. Promise!
So, I bought the Audio version of this book, downloaded it onto my Kindle, {that I share with my son, I often wonder, how much of it is mine, do you think it could be 35% mine? maybe?} and I listened to this during my driving time. I found Anita's journey just so amazing. There were times when I was driving with tears streaming from my eyes. I found it to be that moving.
We hear of people who have had a Near Death Experience. Sometimes we are fortunate enough to even know someone who has been that close to the 'light' or the Divine. It has trans-formative power, in a very real and unpredictable way. What is a truly huge blessing, is the fact that Anita has been able to recall this time in the 'afterlife' with incredible detail. It is often that this experience is so out with our normal realm of experience it is hard to talk about, describe and then even retain the memory of. So, I am grateful that she has been allowed to keep this so fresh in her mind. It may also be part of 'The Big Purpose' of it all.
Today I want to share with you, just a paragraph of her writing, one that really spoke to my personal beliefs.
Now, when I was in my late teens and 20's, also throughout my marriage I was quite devote, in a religious way. Sometimes I just liked being in the choir, or playing hand bells for the Sunday service. But there was a period of 3 years, where I read the the Bible everyday, and engaged in praying to Jesus. I felt I had to 'turn my back' on much religious rhetoric in order to leave my spouse. There are far too many scriptural passages that do not support divorce. But a young woman I was close to, said to me, "Jesus, did not give his life on the cross, so you could suffer like this."
You may agree, you may not. You may have stopped reading when you thought I was a 'Bible Basher'! But, I needed those words, as I loved being on Team Jesus. It is deep within my being, the striving for being 'Good'. Because, I have this powerful drive to not hurt others, to heal, to bring love & light wherever I go. So, leaving him? And wanting a divorce? That didn't seem to fit in my deeply personal, spiritual philosophy. It was one truly difficult decision for me. But, I believe there is a purpose to what I have been through. Perhaps that is key to why I love this passage and have chosen to share it with you today.
Anita writes about being how she was encouraged to share her story. She didn't know how to start and what the purpose of it would be. Just like in my life, when Rosemary told me, "You have a message for the world". I thought, "Me!? You must be mad! I am no writer." However, I started to write out all that I knew. Which, is the abuse that I witnessed my Father carry out on my Mother, then on my Step Mother. Then what happened as I became a young woman and dated, and then what happened when I married. Before I knew it I had a small manuscript. But I still kept wondering,"Who is going to want to read this? What purpose does it serve?" Anita walked through that same door. Then she was sharing her experience, and this was also powerful for her.
So, now I share, this is what she writes;-
I suddenly realized that, both my getting Cancer and my healing were actually for the planet.
If we're all one,
what happens to me, happens to all.
And, what happens for me, also happens for the whole Universe.
I understood that the reason I even got sick and then chose to come back was to serve as an instrument for healing to take place in others.
Now, as a person who has studied Reiki, that fact that she emphatically says, she is an instrument for healing has a huge resonance for me. My Reiki Master was adamant that we never view ourselves as the creator of the healing. We as therapists are nothing more than the vehicle for which the energy comes to others.
Also, as the well known Angel writer, Doreen Virtue expands upon this same theory in her 4 CD set, Goddesses & Angels, she describes the healing takes place in the 'love' between the therapist and client. Now, don't get confused with that word love. The Greeks had 7 different words for love, as you have mother's love, friendship/companionship love, and then the one that our Western society is so hung up on, erotic love. What I believe Doreen is saying, is that 'love', that divine compassion, that huge overwhelming warmth that only comes from the source of our true being. That Love is the One that heals and brings Peace. That is the Love we should all be hung up on!
Yesterday I wrote about my childhood experience with my Father, and how it became this huge issue and weight in my life. That in those few moments, my conscious mind created these thought patterns that became personality quirks, and led me to manifest a series of dreadful relationships with men. Part of what I needed to face, was that I blamed my Dad! Sure, he continued to be an Odious Villain and treated two of the most important women in my life like doormats. He also served to bring some good into the lives of others on this planet. But, to a great extent, my thoughts and feelings, have manifested what has befallen me.
Now I know, there are many who say our fate is set out. I believe that there are ways to divine the highlights of what is to come in each life. But, we can influence so much by our deeply held beliefs and childhood experiences. I also know that blaming my Dad was getting me nowhere. I was still stuck being a magnet for any controlling abusive man within a ten mile radius! I needed to do that work, so that I could move toward being the light, the divine spark that I am really here to be.
It is difficult to accept at times, when something really dreadful happens, that it can actually spark a chain of events to bring the best and highest good into our lives.
People have asked, time and again, why would a God profess to being a God of Love and allow so much misery and suffering. But, Anita said,"You can see the tapestry of your life, your past lives and how they are all part of this Grand Design."
It doesn't make it easy, especially when you are facing loss.
But I choose to believe what Alison Dubois says, "We are their Heaven, why are loved ones never leave us."
We are surrounded by those who have past before, we have our divine guides who listen to us, see us and will helps us when we call.
Some people see spirit, some people have the gift to hear spirit, some people can feel the guidance of spirit. We each have our own talents and intuitive guides. Sometimes all you need to do, is sit quietly for a moment and ask from deep in your heart. I often use my dream time, if there is something worrying me, or I do not feel qualified to answer, I will leave it to be answered in my dreams.
Okay, now I am going to add the last part of the paragraph from Anita Moorjani's book;-
Not just physical healing,
But more important, emotional healing.
Since our feelings are what actually drives our physical reality.
This is a Huge statement for me! I have been a 'feelings' person all my life. And a dreamer.
Which was more or less fine, when I was in High school & college, working in the Arts, Dance, Theater and Music. But I think it is also what makes me so susceptible to abuser's. Because I can feel their energetic digs. {This is also a fairly big concept and is best expressed by James Redfield in his book, The Celestine Prophecy} But, being given this knowledge, that honoring what I feel, as important as my emotions and dreams! Yeah! I am not a complete wacko! {I do so hope you are laughing!}
I have thrown out at you Today, a lot of big concepts;-
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