Can You recall the Rolling Stones song, I see a red door and I want it, paint it black?
If you were to ask me, I would say paint it Fuschia and glue diamante's onto it and shine up the handle and door knocker so they appear made of pure gold. So, to say I like all things Pink and Sparkling, pretty much sums up how I would paint my world.
But it also speaks to my more recent journey, that one being, the path to healing and how to release, let go of the darkness within my Aura and be the vibrant person I know I was meant to be.
How did this search start?
I think, I was bathed in light, radiance and vibrancy when I was young, pre 6 years old. After that, came the walk of karma, or this life's lessons and discovery of the reality that is, the conditioned societal belief in our 'real' world.
So, from an early age, I would dance. I would spend hours in this independent activity. When I was given my first record player {are you ready to laugh?}. I was given this quintessential piece of American Consumerism in the early 1970's.
A Mickey Mouse record player, it came all self-contained in a white plastic case. Inside, it had Mickey painted on the lid saying Hi in a speech bubble. The tone-arm was a fat arm, painted light blue and white strips like Mickey's suit jacket. It had a hand on the end with one finger extended, as if pointing. This was where the needle {stylus, the proper term} hid to be dropped onto my vinyl records. Most of which were 45's, song like Locomotion, Cher's Gypsy's tramps & thieves, Stevie Wonder's Sir Duke was played often & American Pie.
I would spend entire afternoons dancing with the lights. That was how my memory recalls this wondrous activity.
Now, it wasn't that I wanted to lose weight, or I wanted to be a Prima Ballerina, I didn't discover these concepts for years to come. I just felt a deep connection to spirit, my true nature and felt energized by this activity.
Now, I believe that when we are young, we still hold a connection to the deeper intrinsic part of reality, that is truly real. And by that I mean the realm we cannot see with our eyes, nor touch with our physical bodies. I mean the realm of Angles and the Creator.
It is also my firm belief that at some point before puberty or at the start of puberty we shut this connection. We due it for many reasons; as a reaction to trauma, out of fear of condemnation, and sometimes so we can just fit in. Whatever the reason, some of us search hard to get it back.
That is also part of my reason for writing this Blog. If part of my journey can help you reconnect to your reasons and spiritual resources, then that would be a gift too!
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