Monday, 31 December 2012

Another View

At the end of December 2012, Braco graciously offered his gift of 'the Gaze' to us from Miami, USA.

This was a highly stressed time for me.

There were burst pipes in my bathroom which was causing water to leak into the kitchen.    I was very uncomfortable with this situation, and I always think how the kitchen is the heart of the home.   I was discouraged by the consistent lack of support from my Landlord as he looked at it and declared he didn't have time for it.   He would be back from his Holiday on the 6th of January.   Great!  Enjoy your family and your children, but,  what about mine?

So, I had some very sad and angry feelings.

I also had to find ways to bathe myself and my children so no further damage would be caused.   That gives you an idea where I was in my inner world.

I managed to get a few streams of Braco's Gaze booked, however, I had some real financial shortfalls, and wanting to give my childlren some kind of Christmas in the mess of the house we were in, was a real dilemma.    So I booked just the few, which was hard, because I  know from past experience that the energy builds.

This Blog isn't so much about Braco and his Gaze, as I have written a couple on him.   This my experience and testimony to do with, the On Line Community.

There is also another and even more unquantifiable cohesion that happens when being part of the online stream community.

Let me explain;-

My first Gaze session was in May 2012.   So, I am not as long in the tooth with the online Gaze as some.   But I have been part of this community long enough to recognize some peoples 'handles' to use the old fashioned radio terminology.   I see log in names, and I know I want to hear how they are, how their lives and challenges may be shaping up.

When I logged in, the first time, I chatted and tried to make a connection.   Now, during the forward to the actual Gaze stream, the chat dialogue will be disconnected.   Initially, I was grumpy about them cutting off my attempts to meet others who were logged in.   It didn't take me long to realize how important, the chat is & also, how important it is that we focus on the prelude to the Gaze and not chattering away.

Braco's Gaze is extremely unique, powerful and impacts each individual in an amazing spectrum of ways.

I can only tell you about my experiences.   The Gaze holds for each individual, Love, Light & Blessed assistance.

Then, another time, in the chat was a parent who was very worried about their teenage child.   And it happens, from time to time, there are those of us, who are fairly content that we are blessed and will offer to hold the intention of sending the Love & Light that comes from Braco for another.

This has happened several times.   And the chat dialogue is not always moving at the rate you are seeing a request and answering.   Sometimes it is, just like the 'collective unconsciousness'  says, I will hold your loved in the Gaze.   And you will see, in the chat dialogue box, six people say it within less than a heartbeats timing.

Now, one wonderful call for assistance came from one of the online users.   This person was worried about their health and was in crisis.   I asked them, 'May I hold you in the Gaze?'   The reply was Yes.   So, during that stream of the Gaze, I held an individual, I have never met, I had no idea what they look like, but yet I had this sense of connection to them.   Even more amazingly, was after the Gaze session.   This user replied to me, "I felt you in my heart!"

That was quite staggering and awe inspiring to me.

As I know for a fact, I had done nothing but focus my mind to bless another.   I know, any healing or energy felt by that person, was not from me, but rather like a mirror or a prism, reflecting the sun, I was able to offer blessing to another.
I know this because I have been working with subtle energies for sometime.   For some people, they may not be sure what I mean by that statement.   I started practicing Yoga as a teenager.   The physical practice of theYogic asana's teach us in understanding and aligning our chakra's.    These refer to energy centre's in the body.   In college I learned Tai Chi Chuan.   A practice for health, it is to me,  like dancing yoga.   But, Chi, is the word for sublime energy.    When practiced for a long time, you can manipulate your energy, but mostly this is used to strengthen oneself.    Sometimes a practitioner of acupuncture will say they add their Chi, again like a blessing to boost the treatment.

So, when I started working with the Reiki, I found that all my previous study;- Yoga, Tai Chi Chuan  & Chi Kung made my use of the techniques simple.   I could add the Reiki into my physical work, my daily Chi Kung practice and understanding of chakra's, meditation & the Chinese energy system all fell into place.

That is a very tiny nutshell of some larger topics.   I just want you to be able to grasp my meaning of subtle energy.

Now, I can tell you more about this recent Gaze session.

I am in my own little crisis with my house & the Landlord.   I am wanting to give my children a lovely, Christmas!   I have concerns about money and I am trying to get the energy I need, to feel good and peaceful at this time.   I mentioned in the chat room that I was struggling to join all the Gaze's I would like.   Then a beautiful soul paid for me to have the extra streams that I couldn't afford.   This community becomes more like family to me every time I log on!   It was a huge gift for me.   A much needed affirmation that I can be worthy of love & support.

Now, these Gaze session's are not vastly expensive.   There is a reason, even as a Reiki therapist we know we have to charge a fee, {the founder of Usui Reiki, discovered that people did not heal if they did not pay} or ensure an exchange of energy.   This time, it could be, I send you Reiki Healing and you paint my fence.   That is what is meant by 'exchange'.    Though, I feel Braco could charge more for the sessions, I am grateful they are not expensive.   I am grateful for the community I have found with the online members.    I am grateful to have received the blessing of those sessions I couldn't pay for this December.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Now, as the final sessions of the Miami 2012 were approaching, there was a thought dawning in my mind.   A user had written a post along the lines of, "it is great that we ask for Our Greatest and Highest Good be brought to us in this Gaze, but what about the Earth?"   This post did cause some discussion.   Because without the Earth functioning, we do not have all the things we need to be happy!   So it is of tremendous importance that the Earth that we walk upon is healthy!

Knowing that when the online community works to bless another, there is a powerful boost for them.   But I know this, in the way that I 'feel' it.   The way the other on line user felt me in their heart.   I also know, that Braco says, within 'The Voice' healing session, that we are Sparks for each other.   That is we hold within our hearts and minds send the healing love & light to another, it will be magnified!   So, I suggested, can we hold the Earth in our hearts for the Voice session?

Just as I hesitantly posted my suggestion, another came forward asking for assistance in physical healing.

So, that session, during the Gaze I held her in my heart.

Now, I had this vision, like when I meditate, I saw this individual being brought toward a crystal light beams of energy. The energy surrounded and encased her, like a divine white blanket.   She disappeared in the light.

This was the first time I had a vision during the Gaze.   I have had my mind wander and been fortunate to be engulfed by the light myself.  

But when I returned to the chat room, one of the online users, who has been Gazing longer than myself, said, "I just witnessed a healing."

It was then I realized what my vision had been about.    I had to then inform him, he wasn't alone.

Now, you could say there was perhaps a suggestion implanted in my subconscious that created this vision.

That is entirely possible.

But, hold your skepticism,  I ask you, until you have Gazed yourself.

May you be blessed by reading this.

Peace, Love & Light and many Blessings for 2013!

Another View

At the end of December 2012, Braco graciously offered his gift of 'the Gaze' to us from Miami, USA.

This was a highly stressed time for me.  

There were burst pipes in my bathroom which was causing water to leak into the kitchen.    I was very uncomfortable with this situation, and I always think how the kitchen is the heart of the home.   I was discouraged by the consistent lack of support from my Landlord as he looked at it and declared he didn't have time for it.   He would be back from his Holiday on the 6th of January.   Great!  Enjoy your family and your children, but,  what about mine?

So, I had some very sad and angry feelings.

I also had to find ways to bathe myself and my children so no further damage would be caused.   That gives you an idea where I was in my inner world.

I managed to get a few streams of Braco's Gaze booked, however, I had some real financial shortfalls, and wanting to give my childlren some kind of Christmas in the mess of the house we were in, was a real dilemma.    So I booked just the few, which was hard, because I  know from past experience that the energy builds.

This Blog isn't so much about Braco and his Gaze, as I have written a couple on him.   This my experience and testimony to do with, the On Line Community.  

There is also another and even more unquantifiable cohesion that happens when being part of the online stream community.

Let me explain;-

My first Gaze session was in May 2012.   So, I am not as long in the tooth with the online Gaze as some.   But I have been part of this community long enough to recognize some peoples 'handles' to use the old fashioned radio terminology.   I see log in names, and I know I want to hear how they are, how their lives and challenges may be shaping up.  

When I logged in, the first time, I chatted and tried to make a connection.   Now, during the forward to the actual Gaze stream, the chat dialogue will be disconnected.   Initially, I was grumpy about them cutting off my attempts to meet others who were logged in.   It didn't take me long to realize how important, the chat is & also, how important it is that we focus on the prelude to the Gaze and not chattering away.  

Braco's Gaze is extremely unique, powerful and impacts each individual in an amazing spectrum of ways.

I can only tell you about my experiences.   The Gaze holds for each individual, Love, Light & Blessed assistance.

Then, another time, in the chat was a parent who was very worried about their teenage child.   And it happens, from time to time, there are those of us, who are fairly content that we are blessed and will offer to hold the intention of sending the Love & Light that comes from Braco for another.

This has happened several times.   And the chat dialogue is not always moving at the rate you are seeing a request and answering.   Sometimes it is, just like the 'collective unconsciousness'  says, I will hold your loved in the Gaze.   And you will see, in the chat dialogue box, six people say it within less than a heartbeats timing.

Now, one wonderful call for assistance came from one of the online users.   This person was worried about their health and was in crisis.   I asked them, 'May I hold you in the Gaze?'   The reply was Yes.   So, during that stream of the Gaze, I held an individual, I have never met, I had no idea what they look like, but yet I had this sense of connection to them.   Even more amazingly, was after the Gaze session.   This user replied to me, "I felt you in my heart!"

That was quite staggering and awe inspiring to me.

As I know for a fact, I had done nothing but focus my mind to bless another.   I know, any healing or energy felt by that person, was not from me, but rather like a mirror or a prism, reflecting the sun, I was able to offer blessing to another.
I know this because I have been working with subtle energies for sometime.   For some people, they may not be sure what I mean by that statement.   I started practicing Yoga as a teenager.   The physical practice of theYogic asana's teach us in understanding and aligning our chakra's.    These refer to energy centre's in the body.   In college I learned Tai Chi Chuan.   A practice for health, it is to me,  like dancing yoga.   But, Chi, is the word for sublime energy.    When practiced for a long time, you can manipulate your energy, but mostly this is used to strengthen oneself.    Sometimes a practitioner of acupuncture will say they add their Chi, again like a blessing to boost the treatment.

So, when I started working with the Reiki, I found that all my previous study;- Yoga, Tai Chi Chuan  & Chi Kung made my use of the techniques simple.   I could add the Reiki into my physical work, my daily Chi Kung practice and understanding of chakra's, meditation & the Chinese energy system all fell into place.

That is a very tiny nutshell of some larger topics.   I just want you to be able to grasp my meaning of subtle energy.

Now, I can tell you more about this recent Gaze session.

I am in my own little crisis with my house & the Landlord.   I am wanting to give my children a lovely, Christmas!   I have concerns about money and I am trying to get the energy I need, to feel good and peaceful at this time.   I mentioned in the chat room that I was struggling to join all the Gaze's I would like.   Then a beautiful soul paid for me to have the extra streams that I couldn't afford.   This community becomes more like family to me every time I log on!   It was a huge gift for me.   A much needed affirmation that I can be worthy of love & support.

Now, these Gaze session's are not vastly expensive.   There is a reason, even as a Reiki therapist we know we have to charge a fee, or ensure an exchange of energy.   This time, it could be, I send you Reiki Healing and you paint my fence.   That is what is meant by 'exchange'.    Though, I feel Braco could charge more for the sessions, I am grateful they are not expensive.   I am grateful for the community I have found with the online members.    I am grateful to have received the blessing of those sessions I couldn't pay for this December.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Now, as the final sessions of the Miami 2012 were approaching, there was a thought dawning in my mind.   A user had written a post about, it is great that we ask for Our Greatest and Highest Good be brought to us in this Gaze, but what about the Earth?