Thursday, 15 November 2012

Defending Your Life

I recently purchased a copy of this 1991 film on DVD.

Now, I had seen this movie, years ago.

What I remember was the concept of our judgement after we pass from this existence to the 'spirit'.   I am not sure what prompted me to hit the Add to Basket that day on the Amazon.   I was purchasing another film with a deeper spiritual meaning.   And, I am glad I did.

Watching Defending Your Life today, there seemed an awful lot of those cliches we don't see in films anymore.   What I mean by that, is the waitress at the Diner, she is exactly what you expect, matronly and just a bit too friendly.   But that may be part of the point.   In the Albert Brooks view, the afterlife is made to fit our expectations.

In case you love an older film, that takes a bit of time to develop character and speed, unlike the movies of the past ten years, which are all about bombarding you with explosions and well manicured flesh.   I will try and refrain from spoilers.

Watching the film this time, I saw & heard the notion, we are judged if we allow Fear to be an excuse for any non action in our lives.   Then if we don't have a good defense, the Fear becomes a reason to send us for reincarnation.   So, equal to the words of Anita Moorjani, when we do not honour who we are, what we really want, we create disease, distress and perhaps life threatening illness.   I certainly wasn't raised to put myself before others.    My mother made sure that I knew, to serve Jesus, I had to give!   I had to give in Church and serve others endlessly.   All this, doing, in the hopes that my sins may be forgiven and a place for me in Heaven secured.

Now, for many years I was a seriously devout woman.   I read my Bible using a Daily bread guide for three years.   I used to use several versions of the Bible, liking the poetic style of the King James and yet for discussion the New International Version with plain text was better.   I  can remember, one day my neighbour  asking,"So, what is a sin?"   I was quite agog.   I had taken so much of what I learned as a little girl to be Gospel.   I never asked if there were soft sins, more important vices to be avoided.   I mean, you could say,"Follow the 10 commandments and you will be okay."   But, I heard a minister say, "As long as you confess all your sins and accept Jesus as your Savior before you die, you will be okay."   But does he know?

   What will we be judged on when we pass?

Now, when I look at the 10 commandments, I see actions that we take, that either hurts ourselves or our loved ones.   These are the things we are told not to do.   They all make sense,   don't tell lies about people, don't envy what your neighbour has, be faithful in marriage and don't kill the people that annoy you!    But I know, you have heard and I have heard, Jesus loves you.   No matter what.   And that is a big message from Anita's book, Dying to be me.   That thought, no matter what we do here, we are loved and taken to Heaven.   The concept, that I don't have to be, ticking the boxes, colouring in the lines, really turned my world upside down for days.

Really?   Even if I killed person?

The truth is, that it is True.   The divine has created a path for us to walk.   And it seems, even when we look to play the villain, there is compassion and understanding for the Why that took us to that place.

Then, there is a bigger commandment, make yourself no idols, worship no false Gods.   This is quite fascinating.  Because it seems, the film, Defending Your Life, Anita's book and even my favourite physical study, Taekwon - Do, all agree, there should only be One!   

Now, with the study of taekwon - Do, the concept of serving One King, is very important to modern living.   Many people get so caught up in 'the Rat Race'  they don't realize that 'work' can now claim them totally.    For so many people, the deflated response to extra training is, "I have to work!".    But work used to be a means to an end!    Nowadays, people are terrified to lose their jobs, even if they are unhappy there!   Even if being unhappy and dreading another shift is draining the life force out of them!   They need the money!   It is as if, they have put money before the pursuit of happiness.   Before having quality time and enjoying their family.

I do not have an answer for the current state of affairs.   I know, where I live, there are hundreds of people out of work, and hundreds to apply for each open position!  Many of the candidates well too qualified for the job.   So, I know, it is hard to get even a poor choice position, on a low wage!  I know!

The point is more, who are you serving!

If, you looked into your heart, and you asked, what do I really want?

And the answer is, I always wanted to paint.   I always wanted to work in the fresh air and sunshine.

Sometimes, the desires of our own heart gets so obscured by the desires of those we love and our family.   I know!   I am a mother.   I can tell you of year after year, putting my hopes and dreams on hold to stay at home and look after my children.   And sometimes now, I have to go to work, when all I want to do is, enjoy sometimes with my children.   It is very difficult to get a balance between what we 'do',  our jobs, our income, and what we dream of being.  Or dream of Living!

But I believe, we have to look.

We have to seek what is in our hearts.   

We need to awaken to what we really are, and that is one sparkling part of the Divine!

That is why, if we do not put ourselves, our hopes and dreams first;- we may end up living a lift that seems hopeless.

Do not be one of those who live lives of quiet desperation.   That quote first penned by Thoreau has lived for generations, it has survived that long because there is TRUTH in that statement.

It is all to common for us to stay in an unhappy alliance, because we think we are 'doing' the right thing.  

I have done it.   I have stayed too long in unhappy relationships.   I have stayed too long working with a Bully.   I needed it.  

I needed it, so that I would learn, I needed to learn, that my voice should wait any more to be heard.

You might not like my opinion.

You might think my belief in the realm of spirits and healing energy totally eccentric.

That doesn't matter, what matters is,
If you take this opportunity to figure out, exactly what you think.  And Exactly what your Heart Longs for you to do!

Sunday, 11 November 2012

The Sun, Braco's Symbol, Remembering My Connection

About 6 month's ago, a wonderful vibrant soul guided me to Braco.

 Michele Blood, asked me if I had heard of Bratzio.   When I heard the name I thought, he must be Italian.    No, she spelled it for me, He is from Croatia.    She said to find his website at  

Michele explained further,  "You see, if you want the vibrant states of health, peace and abundance, you really want to meditate daily and surround yourself with as much light as possible."  
Okay, I have even heard this concept from a more ordinary business model, that of one of the Sales Team Leaders from Herbalife.  She had rough times making sales and shared that she was told by her Mentor to go home!    This was strange to her, but he said, just go and read inspiring books.   This, was part of the way that she began to find more success.   What I believe the real message is, in this manner You are changing, what and how You feel on the inside.   This inner world,   Your inner world, this part of feeling and personal dialogue must be tended to.    As it is from that inner place, that the world responds to us.

Michele then said to me, "Usually there are 2 - 3 Enlightened  Individual's on the planet at one time.   You see, things are really changing, we have at least 11 Enlightened Individuals and you want to get as much exposure to them as possible."

Now, I had heard Brandon Bays talk about sitting and meditating with Masters.   This is one way to change your thought patterns to approach enlightenment.   It can take years of meditating in the presence of a Master, but

Is the time honoured tradition of how the student can become a Master.

So, I had written down what Michele told me to do.    I  found the website and joined up as a member.

 Now membership is free!   So, this is not a hook to get you to throw money at the latest Hollywood Guru.   No!     The live streaming experience is, 'Cheap as Chips'.  That is what the British would say.   You can buy 1 on line stream for $3.   Yes, that is $3, I did not hit the wrong currency key by mistake.   So, for us in the UK it is even cheaper than chips!  Ha ha!

But what is it?   And why is the Sun Braco's Symbol?

This is my second posting about Braco.   But, it is because I feel his work is so important, true and relevant to everyone on the Earth today!    

{In saying that, I do not believe we all need to travel the same path towards healing and enlightenment.  No.   It is just that this 'gift'of Light through Braco is so immediate and simple.   You need to do nothing, no hours on your knees praying.  No penance   No fasting, no 5 am Yoga &  chanting session.   He adamantly has printed on the screen before and after the Gaze, that there is no Dogma to be found here.   So, the 'gift' of light is for you to receive and interpret.   That, is fabulous!
Being born and raised in the USA, I believe we each have our own amazing world within.   There is no one, set, prescribed way to live your life.   Or we would all be doing the exact same thing! }

So, my first Gaze session, I had that whole cynical voice in my head going, what?  he is just going to stand there?    But I also have spent years studying Yoga, Tai chi chuan, Reiki and subtle energies.  So I know that the energy can flow from his eyes.   But, I did have that voice in my head asking me if I knew what I was doing?    Then, the voice quieted and the tears came.  I mean, streaming tears and this feeling,  like, this longing had been in me for so long.   Such a lonely, unloved place within me that missed what it was that Braco was sending through his Gaze.   It was powerful, overwhelming and calming, all at the same time.

Now, this Sunce  is the Sun Symbol used by Braco.      As I understand, he made this as a gift for his mentor, Ivica.     In time, another would be made.  For a time, these pendants were worn by the 'inner circle' of volunteers.    Now, the pendant can be bought by those at a Live event.   Some even say there is healing energy available with these pendants!
I do not have any personal experience of this.   But I would love to go to a Live Event, I dream of taking my loved ones who are ill, and friends who I know are suffering,  to see Braco.    I wish to be a volunteer to witness them in the Gaze so they can have a taste of this healing.   I also, hope to have the money to purchase a Sunce just for myself!

Now this picture, is Braco!   Here he is, in a special building used for his work.   He had this room, the Onyx Room, made just for the Gaze sessions.   {I have to be careful, because I just called it healing sessions.   The energy from the Gaze is not to be labeled, it does what is in the Greatest and Highest good for All.}   But, notice the Sun symbol.   How it is always behind him, like a guiding force for his Gazing power.

So, I have experienced a number of Gazing sessions now.    My favourite, was when Braco was  in Hawaii.   He had 10 consecutive days of Gaze sessions available.   It was such a treat!   It was also too good to keep to myself, and I did have one friend that I trusted enough to share it with.

During those lovely days of having the chance to have two or three sessions of the Gaze, I learned more about Braco and his mentor Ivica.   I also learned that the Sun was his symbol.   But all this became more relevant after I bought and read Angelika Whitcliff's book,  21 Days with Braco.

The book gives those of us from a Western background a better understanding of all the reasons, why the Gaze is.


But, as I was enjoying the story unfolding of how Angelika experienced her transformation through the Gaze,  I was reminded of how I used to just stand in the Sun as a young girl.

I have always call myself a Sun Worshiper.   I was not always tanning myself as a young girl, it was just so important to me to be outdoors, in the air & light.

Then, as life changes us, I too became more indoors, and when I was in college,  I would make it a habit to stop, turn my face to the sun and close my eyes.   I would just see this golden energy from behind my closed eyelids.   I would breathe as deeply and stand as long as I could, without drawing too much attention to myself.   But, in this manner, I imagined I was getting a quick charge of energy for the time I would be sitting in a lecture hall.    What I read in Angelika's book, connected me to a part of me I had forgotten.

It really woke that intuitive, trusting, in Love with the natural world around me,  part of Me! 

I hope that sentence makes sense to you.  

But I had forgotten how I used to do that.   I forgot how I just knew the Sun was an energy source!   And the more I read, how Braco decided that the shape of his Sun symbol had to be uneven edges, like, when you see the Sun shine through leaves of a tree?
 Even just hearing that description, reminded me of blissful days, 'just being' on the Earth,


{forgive me for sounding like a TV commercial}

But, Lovin' It!

 the stronger a connection I felt to him and his work.   That just reminded me of so many days of pure joy as a young girl.   That pure joy of being alive!   When you are a child, there is no worry about tomorrow, where  will the money come from, or how shall I provide for others?    This is the state of mind that I understand that  one achieves in Enlightenment.  

Angelika writes it so beautifully in her introduction;-

Destiny is calling.  To reach it we must reconnect to nature,  become child-like again in our spontaneity and love of simple pleasures, simplify our lives and reorganize our values to step away from our consumer driven ways to embrace an integrity of connection to the spirit within; to family, communities and our world.

Destiny is calling, and it is offering us opportunity, a gift to have back our happiness and strength, and it has come in the most unexpected of ways.

As I said, this is the second time I have written about Braco.   In an attempt to give you all the information you need to find his website and try an online stream.   Not because I am an affiliate member, but because, I know! I know, there are others out there whose hearts our holding longing and grief.    Because I know, your bodies struggle with constant pain everyday.   This is not how we are meant to live..

We are children,  we were given the Earth to enjoy and play on.  
We have lost our way, we need to connect to our truth, our divine soul light.   

That light, I believe you may find in Braco's Gaze.   As I shared with you before, I believe I spent moments in that space of Love, that Light at the end of the tunnel.  

Thank you Braco for sharing your Gaze!